Floorplan Module Constraints in VLSI

What are Floorplan Module Constraints in VLSI?

There are basically five different type of module constraint. They are as follows:

  1. None

A module has the attribute None, if it is not preplaced in the core design area. A module can be preplaced by moving it to the core area or by loading in a floorplan file where the module’s placement is defined.

2. Soft Guide

This module constraint is similar to a guide constraint, except there are no fixed locations. This provides stronger grouping for the instances under the same soft guide. Instances within a soft guide are grouped better than those without a soft guide.

3. Guide

A module is preplaced in the core design area. The placement program honors the preplacement.

4. Region

A region constraint forces all module instances to be placed within the region, but allows instances from other modules as well.

5. Fence

A fence constraint forces all instances of the module to be placed within the fence and does not allow any instances from other modules to be placed inside the fence. A module becomes a fence when the module is specified as a partition.



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